
Dermatoskopie Vortrag 2020 für Hausärzte Forum

Vortragsunterlagen für Forum für Medizin am 18.8.2020

Medical News

Medical News in a Nutshell 8/2020

PRIME Time in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Identification of preinflammatory mesenchymal, or PRIME, cells — that appeared in blood just before disease flares, by sequential RNA analysis before and during flares of RA

Roflumilast Cream for Chronic Plaque Psoriasis

Roflumilast cream contains a PDE-4 inhibitor

The mean baseline PASI scores were 7.7 in the roflumilast 0.3% group, 8.0 in the roflumilast 0.15% group, and 7.6 in the vehicle group; the mean change from baseline at week 6 was −50.0%, −49.0%, and −17.8%

Nemolizumab and Topical Agents for Atopic Dermatitis with Pruritus

Nemolizumab is a subcutaneously administered humanized monoclonal antibody against interleukin-31 receptor A

The median VAS score (0-to-100 scale when the baseline score is 100)

 for pruritus at baseline was 75. At week 16, the mean percent change in the VAS score was −42.8% in the nemolizumab group and −21.4% in the placebo group 

The mean percent change in the EASI (0-72) score was −45.9% with nemolizumab and −33.2% with placebo.

DLQI score of 4 or less was 40% in the nemolizumab group and 22% in the placebo group

DLQI; (range, 0 to 30, with higher scores indicating a greater effect on daily life)

Medical News

COVID-19 in kids

Kawasaki like Syndrome – «pediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome» or PIMS or «multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children» or MIS-C. Skin or mucous membranes were involved in up to 87% of the children

Medical News

An image to remember

Es handelt sich um ein Symptom des Cowden Syndroms:

Genetic testing was performed and showed an inactivating mutation in the tumor-suppressor gene encoding phosphatase and tensin homologue (PTEN). The Cowden syndrome, an autosomal dominant PTEN hamartoma syndrome, is associated with an increased risk of breast, thyroid, endometrial, and other cancers. Oral mucosal papillomas are commonly associated skin lesions. Adapted from N Engl J Med 2020; 382:e29


CNN Money interview with Online Doctor Co-Founder Phil Wustrow

Case of the day


Fingerhutnagel; Grübchen; nail pitting; Onychosis multi- et micropunctata; Onychosis punctata; Pitting; Tüpfel

Oberflächliche, feine, kaum 0,1 cm große, runde oder ovale, punktförmige Einsenkungen der Nagelplatte (Oberflächendefekte), die bei einem oder mehreren Nägeln nachweisbar sein können. Diese «Tüpfel» können idiopathisch oder symptomatisch im Gefolge von Grunderkrankungen auftreten.

Vorkommen: Psoriasis vulgaris: Nagelmatrixpsoriasis mit zahlreichen, grübchenförmigen Einsenkungen in der Nagelplatte mehrerer Nägel (Psoriasis punctata unguium).

Auch bei Alopecia areata,

 Ekzem-Krankheiten oder idiopathisch auftretend.

Case of the day

Nappes claires

Typische «freie», nicht betroffene Insel scheinbar nicht befallener Hautareal mittin «im Meer einer Erythrodermie»

Auflösung: ist ein fast «pathognomisches» Zeichen für eine Pityriasis rubra pilaris

Pityriasis rubra pilaris, hier ein Link zu Therapie

The making of dermatoscopy cartoon (3)

Animatics, Version 2


State of the Art – Therapie der Neurodermitis 2020 (Video)


Unsere neue Urticaria Broschüre für Betroffene

Jetzt eingetroffen, diese Broschüre kann unter dermacheck.ch bezogen werden. Besten Dank an Katja Seifried, Janine Hartmann und Valerie Scheidegger